McCortney Family In-Home Care News

Who Cares for the Home Care Aides?

Olympia Dukakis recently wrote an article, that I found on, that tells about her personal experience with in-home care.  She had caregivers that cared for her mother who had Alzheimer’s in the 1980s.
She does a good job of explaining the importance of elder care services such in in-home care:

Like so many families, we turned to committed and compassionate home-care workers, who supported not only my mother but also the whole family during the progression of my mother’s disease.
I am so grateful that I was able to be with my mother, in our home, in her final years. It would not have been possible without the incredible women who provided quality care to my mother.

But she also does a great job of discussing the issues that face this industry with the aging of the baby boomers.  It is often hard to find good caregivers who want to provide family home care:

That means more and more people will need intense, at home care as they age. With Americans living longer than ever and with the baby boomers reaching their golden years, the need has never been greater for a home-care workforce that will allow seniors to live with dignity and independence. There are at least 2 million home-care aides in this country doing the important and difficult work of supporting families through the joys and challenges of aging — and demand for these workers is expected to double by 2020. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the No. 1 growing occupation in the next 10 years will be the in-home caregivers.

I encourage you to read the whole article; it is a great expression of why in-home care is important.  Thanks Mrs. Dukakis for giving your opinion!